
Cleveland, Tennessee

Tel: 423.709.8276

photo restoration
Impaired Perceptions
disability horizons
This is a Brian Charles Steel headshot of Mimi Williams.  The light on her face is soft.  She is wearing red lipstick and a red shirt with a collar.  Williams is positioned in the center of the frame, and composes about three fourths of the image.  She is smiling revealing her pearly white teeth.  The king and queen building are in the background in the left corner.
Photo restoration
This is a Brian Charles Steel photograph of Kyle and Nikki.  Nikki is behind Kyle with her arms around him while hanging over his shoulders with her face beside his. They are both smiling, and looking into the camera.  She has long brown hair, and he has short curly hair.  They are towards the right side of the frame, and are seen from the chest up.  The background is solid black.
This is a Brian Charles Steel black and white photographic portrait of photographer Brian Charles Steel.  He is positioned in the right side of the frame, and his back is turned to the camera.  He is wearing no shirt and you can see the effect of scoliosis on his back.  The light creates shadows across his back that reveals the uniqueness of his form. He is wearing dark pants and his shown from just above the knees and up. The background is solid black.
This is a Brian Charles Steel photograph of a lake in Cleveland Tennessee.  The lake composes the lower right portion of the frame.  The upper half of the frame is filled with bright blue sky and white clouds.  Stretching across the middle of the frame are green trees.